Sunday, March 10, 2019

I Dream, I Dare…..Even If I am Scared

I Dream, I Dare…..Even I am Scared

My Strength is my dreams
And I Dream of Small Things
I Manage a Smile on My face
Even in the midst of storm and tempest
At times, Into pieces,  I often break
But I assemble and reinstate myself
Often the challenges and taboos 
Make me  suppressed
But I bounce back with all my strength
I am the ocean of Love and Care
Even If I get stripped up layer by layer
Even If
The world finds it difficult to acknowledge my existence
It never stops me to Work for Brilliance & Excellence
I Am a Woman,
Created by Angels in the Heaven
To rock the cradle and rule the world
But Sometimes I am Scared....
Sometimes low, Sometimes wrecked
But I Dream, I Dare
To Get the Universe  of My Share…..