Thursday, July 25, 2019

Do me a favor Love me less

Do me a favor 
Love me less
I know you love me lot
But I'm a Fragile Case

I won't be able 
To handle the mess 
That often comes handy
With Heartbreaks

You told me...
"I want to touch you 
Take you in my arms
And hug you hard"

But My Dear
My Heart is bruised
And my soul is
Tinged with fear & ache
My Loud Laughter
And witty banter
Might have touched your heart
But in Reality
They Camouflage
My tinted soul and broken heart

Do me a favor 
Love me less
I know you love me lot
But I'm a Fragile Case

Sunday, June 16, 2019


Isn’t it an amazing thing that in a country where it is common to shun women from social life when they are menstruating, a state like Odisha stands out??
Odisha has always been century ahead in terms of being progressive when it comes to its unique culture and festival. Raja an Odia festival that celebrates the menstruating cycle of mother earth....
Manoj Jena, a Social activist said,
“Everyone who thinks women are impure during their periods should see how Odisha celebrates Raja. Those who believe the menstrual blood to be impure should know that the same kept a life on for nine months inside the mother’s womb.”

Raja Parba, a three-day long festival in Odisha, is a celebration of menstruation and womanhood.
The first day is called Pahili Raja, second being Raja Shankrant 
(Mithuna Shankranti) and third day is called Bhu Daaha  or Baasi Raja. In these three days, no agricultural activity like ploughing or sowing seeds is done as it is believed that Mother Earth goes through the process of rejuvenation.  On the fourth day Mother Earth is given a ceremonial bath which is called as Vasumati Snana. Till the fourth day women in the families are given freedom from daily household core, like cooking, cutting and chopping.
It’s a wonderful festival celebrated in Odisha where women are given rest from their every day work. Instead they play games, swings and have fun. New clothes and delicacies are the best part of the celebration.
Doli, Pitha, Pana  and Raja Mauja that includes games,  new clothes and happiness with unique ritualistic observations….are the exclusive specialty of this festival. And the best part is men take over the household work for these                                             three days and also celebrate it full spirit.
It’s a festival beyond usual temple rituals…unique in its own way. It’s just about Celebration of the value and respect for womanhood. 

Once which started as a tribal practice, this festival has become a mainstream festival in all parts of Odisha. With time, even though this festival has undergone a lot of changes, it still revolves around respecting and celebrating womanhood. The essence is intact as it is…..

Today is the Baasi raja….Third Day....A delayed Post Though. 
Let's Celebrate it with all our spirits... 
Happyyy Raja To All 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

I Dream, I Dare…..Even If I am Scared

I Dream, I Dare…..Even I am Scared

My Strength is my dreams
And I Dream of Small Things
I Manage a Smile on My face
Even in the midst of storm and tempest
At times, Into pieces,  I often break
But I assemble and reinstate myself
Often the challenges and taboos 
Make me  suppressed
But I bounce back with all my strength
I am the ocean of Love and Care
Even If I get stripped up layer by layer
Even If
The world finds it difficult to acknowledge my existence
It never stops me to Work for Brilliance & Excellence
I Am a Woman,
Created by Angels in the Heaven
To rock the cradle and rule the world
But Sometimes I am Scared....
Sometimes low, Sometimes wrecked
But I Dream, I Dare
To Get the Universe  of My Share…..

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Embarrass Truth and Honesty

Featured post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Embarrass Truth and Honesty 
With Life…I learned
We are all Warriors In the battle of our own
Making Stern Efforts to become Winner and Strong
To have Justice, Progress, Truth, and Light
We compete and brawl with fellow beings, at times
We wrap our darkness, weaknesses with the cock-and-bull story
To defend ourselves from being hurt and mar with injury
Well…That’s Life – I would Say - but what we forget to learn
With the process, we overlook Truth and enslave ourselves to Fictions
But at The End
The God of Light shines in the terrain of that soul
That embarrasses Truth and Honesty with utmost valour.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Featured post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers
Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Happy New Year 2019

Let The Universe     

Bless Us All

With Beautiful People and Joyful Things
Making Our Smiles,
Bigger and Broader
Let Peace and Prosperity
Find A Wonderful Abode
In Our Lives.
With Happy Cheers..
Wishing You All…