Monday, April 9, 2018


“How are you” is perhaps a simplest question on this world. But do we ever find an honest answer to this question? This question is thrown around as an informal greet, so much that we default to "i'm good" or "I'm fine" -  even with our closest friends and family .
We celebrate Ganesh Puja at home. Once as a part of celebration I had invited many of my friends and neighbors in the society a.  We had kept BAPPA for five days. During these days many had come to my home as per their conveniences for the darshan of Bappa.
During those days, once one of my friends along with her family visited my place one day.  I delightfully welcomed them. Looking at her little son Aryan who was around 5 years, I asked,” Hi Aryan!! How are you..?” (Asehi, .just as it it) 
 “I’m not happy and I’ll not talk to you!!” He replied with little anger and unhappiness.
 “Why, what happened..?” I asked looking at his long face.  I noticed that he was not in his usual happy self too.  I looked at my friend with a Q mark on my face “What’s wrong with him?”  and she told me that he was not interested to come here and he wanted to go to”time zone” a gaming parlour, instead
 I understood her point. Actually all children these days are like that only including my son as well. I mean, most of the children are like that only.   They love playing instead of praying. Nevertheless after sometime both little dudes (he and my son) got themselves busy in their own toy world  and we had our time of togetherness.
 That night one thing had struck me.
I was really amazed by one thing. The child’s honest answer to my question “How are you”
Every one of ask of often being asked this question. Isn’t it?
When we ask this or asked by others…whether the answer is “fine” or “Okay” or “not good”…. The basis of the answer is always “what will people think?” and never “how do I actually feel”…isn’t it?
Our answer is never an honest one instead we answer the way we’re expected.
 No doubt with growing pace of life and reaching out to the expectation levels of ours and society, we have gone too far from our own selves. We have become “EXPECTED” rather than “HONEST” or “NATURAL”. May be that's reason why...where as a kid say exactly how it feels whether its pain, hunger, angers or love…etc, we cannot do the same.
That means we always find ourselves being placed in between “real and expected” world, having a job at hand to choose one. And most of the time we chose the latter (expected) one. This may be one of the reasons of shrinking happiness in our lives...what I feel.
Being happy and compassionate is human’s natural state of being. In this state we are honest with ourselves and to the surrounding. When we are disconnected from this state and drifted away…we are bound to adopt an “expected” state of being rather than “natural”.
Can we ask this question to ourselves, because honesty comes from within!!
Some time I feel if we can ask this simple question to our own selves and answer honestly like a child….then at least we can address some of our emotions ourselves which we do not feel like sharing with others. In this way at least we can narrow the distance with our own selves and can bring harmony to some of our emotions thereby making a world of happiness and peace in our inner world. In this way we can also develop empathy and will be able to hear the "real answers" of the people to this simple question.... irrespective of what they speak and what they speak not.
“So be a child to yourself and ask a question “how are you..?” and answer it honestly." This can really be helpful in resoliving many of our inner conflicts and help us attain an internal state of equilibrium thereby making us feel "NATURAL" i.e. HAPPY ....I FEEL
How about You...??? 
This is my Post for DAY – 8

 For the Alphabet H In #ATozChallenge by #Blogchatter #BlogchatterA2Z 



  1. It is so true that we have begun behaving like robot while answering this question. We don't delve within to see if we feel really good or not. Inspiring post. do visit and have your say too

    1. Very True!! Loved Your Visit to my blog and words!! Will visit your blog soon. Stay blessed!!

  2. I'm fine. (giggle)No, really. I'm happy, healthy and doing the work I love. That is all one can ask for from life.
    Blessings to you.

    1. Ha ha ha...Touch-wood!! God Bless You always!! Loved Your Visit and words!! :)

  3. Totally agree with you, Tina.
    Children answer honestly. But, some are smart to manipulate the answers depending on the situation!
    Being honest helps.
    We are conditioned to reply- "I'm fine!" :)

    1. Very True Anita. Loved your visit and words !! Luv :)
